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Beth cosplays under the name littlepebbles. Here you will find current projects, a cosplay blog, photos, work in progress. Beth first discovered cosplay in her first year of her undergraduate degree, and in her second year went to her first convention - Birmingham MCM (November 2013). In 2018, she completed her most challenging cosplay to date: Dragon Trainer Tristana from League of Legends. Having mainly sewing skills, she had to learn a lot of new skills along the way, including wig styling and crafting, foam work, resin casting, and  building a dragon with moving parts(!).. Having taken an unplanned break after Tristana, she is eager to get back into cosplay and crafting, always looking to improve her skills.  She is currently working on Winter Wonderland Lulu from League of Legends, and the page will be updated with progress photos soon! 











Note: Although Beth enjoys crafting costumes from scratch, she believes that any cosplay is cosplay. Buy things, craft things, alter things. Cosplay is for everyone. 

Little Pebbles as Dragon Trainer Tristana from League of Legends at London Film and Comic Con, 2018.  Photograph by Delzdev. 

Current Projects

(Work In Progress and cosplans)

League of Legends

Winter Wonderland
[in progress]
winterwonderland lulu.jpg

League of Legends

Championship Ashe
championship ashe.jpg

League of Legends

Gentleman Gnar

Animal Crossing


Little Pebbles

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